Thursday 28 August 2008

Wishlist poem

A Snowman’s Wish List
Let me be deep in snow,
let my carrot nose be the juiciest,
let the sun take pity on me,
let me rest by the safety of the house,
no rocks or stones thrown by small boys.

Don’t let my stick arms be weak,
let my hat be warm, big and snug,
let the snowflakes fall softly,
tickling my smooth white cheek.

Let the new fallen snow settle deeply,
fresh, cool, quickening my icy brain.
Let my melting snow be re-built every day
with loving caring hands,
and please, please,
let the hands be those of a caring child.

Matilda Benjamin (9)

If - can you write an If poem?

IfIf you were the sun then I'd be the moon
if you were the yoghurt then I'd be the spoon
if you were the paper then I'd be the pen
if you were the egg then I'd be the hen
if you were the dog then I'd be the bark
if you were the torch then I'd be the dark
if you were the hinge then I'd be the door
if you love me then I love you more.

Vicki-Lee McCann (11)

More great poems by children on this website

Thursday 14 August 2008

Magical Mystery Tour

Advertise the first ever tour to this magical lake deep in a mountainside cavern. Remember to use all your senses in your persuasive script.

Wednesday 13 August 2008


Think of someone special- could be real or imaginary, dead or alive.
You only have three questions to ask. Think carefully. What would you ask and why?

Apostrophe song - cn you write one?

Apostrophe (Oh Christmas Tree)
by Eileen Thorpe
Apostrophe, apostrophe
You drive me oh so batty.
Apostrophe, apostrophe
Your overuse is a travesty.

Some people just can’t get enough
They must think you’re hot stuff
Apostrophe, apostrophe
Some rules to avoid catastrophe.
It’s hers and theirs and yours and its when you want to possess a bit
And when you need to pluralize,
You don’t need to apostrophize.
And what of words that end in esess?
An apostrophe will only make a mess’s.
I wonder why you so confuse
I’m sure you’re tired of this abuse.
Apostrophe, apostrophe
You drive me oh so batty.

Monday 4 August 2008

Adjectives in poetry

I ‘stole’ this idea from the poetry zone
If you like creating poetry its full of good ideas

Adjectives are describing words. If I say "Tom is playing with a red ball." then the word red describes the ball. Write a poem by repeating the first line but each time adding another adjective.

For example.
On my way to the zoo I saw a bear.
It was a brown bear.
It was an ugly brown bear
It was a wild, ugly, brown bear
It was an angry, wild, ugly, brown bear
It was a hungry, angry, wild, ugly, brown bear
It was an escaped, hungry, angry, wild, ugly, brown bear
And it wanted to eat me!

Now create a start sentence and get creative (if you’re stuck use the sentence about Tom)

WoW word detective

Pick a book and go through it making word lists of words or phrases you might like to include in your future work.
For the words try to organise them into columns for verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc too.
If you've got time pick one or two of the words you really like and write a completely new sentence about your teacher using them.

Pick a connective and uplevel

Choose any two of these short simple sentences. Firstly try joining two with a connective to make them into a longer sentence (it can be silly).
Then look at verbs can you keep meaning but make them more powerful?
Now are there adverbs you could add to describe these verbs?
Could you add in any adjectives?
If you've run out of ideas use one of these as a starter then add a connective then your own ending before doing the above.

The cat sat on the mat.
The grass was wet.
The rain didn't stop.
The boy knocked over the drink.
The dog ran down the road.
The mouse hid in the cup.
The cat went to the shop.
The girl walked across the grass.
The sun came out.

Friday 1 August 2008

Alliteration poem

Big Beefy Bill the Beef Burger Burglar

Meet big beefy Biff the beef burger burglar
burgling big beefy burgers of beef.
Boldly he burgles the biggest beef burgers
big beefy Biff the biggest meat thief.

He battered and broke in the Big Beefy Burger Bar
burgling burgers in bright broad daylight
biting the best biggest brown buttered breadbuns
bagging the beefiest burgers in sight.

He bit bits of burger and bits of breadbuns
busily biting between and beneath.
From breakfast he battled and binged beef and breadcrumbs
belching big burps that baffled belief.

Big beefy Biff the beed burger burglar
burgling big beefy burgers of beef.
Big beefy Biff the beef burger burglar
Big beefy Biff the beef burger thief.

Paul Cookson

Now it's your turn choose a consonant and make up an interesting alliteration poem.

Guess who I am?

You need to choose a character from a familiar text, such as a traditional tale or it could be from the class novel you are reading. Now say something in the style of one of the characters.


"If only I didn't take after my Dad with his size 14 shoes! I'd be with that dishy chap with servants waiting on me. Ho hum!"

Food Glorious Food

Write autobiographically on the subject of food.

Think about a meal you really enjoyed. Start to describe the food in detail.
Use your senses:
  • what did it smell like
  • what was its appearance
  • its taste and texture
  • how did it make you feel

Think about wow words and phrases that describe the food. Look at your examples can you comment on any of your ideas that work well. Try to turn your notes into complex sentences.
Make your account personal and use a chatty style.

Adverb poem

Slowly the tide creeps up the sand,
Slowly the shadows cross the land.
Slowly the cart-horse pulls his mile,
Slowly the old man mounts his stile.

Slowly the hands move round the clock,
Slowly the dew dries on the dock.
Slow is the snail – but slowest of all
The green moss spreads on the old brick wall.


Write an adverb poem. Remember to plan all your ideas first before you start.

Adverbs list

quietly, gently, softly, lightly, swiftly, brightly, loudly, frantically, jocularly, sternly, jovially, awkwardly, cunningly, cautiously, furiously, monstrously, desperately, bravely, luckily, mysteriously, tragically.

How was it performed?

Adverb practice

Adding adverbs will help you describe "how" the action was performed.

The snow started to fall.

Make sure you choose the right adverb!

More sentences to explain how it was performed:
  • Misty gazed across the field.
  • The car careered forwad and smashed into the fence.
  • The birds flew into the treetops.
  • The prince sat down in the kitchen with a sipper in his hand.
  • Connor awoke and climbed out from beneath the covers.